Taranta(塔然塔)经典之作 重现上海洛克菲勒别墅昔日荣光

Rockefeller Villa Renovation Project, Shanghai, 2010 2012
2012-08-07 14:20:57


 Taranta(塔然塔)经典之作  重现上海洛克菲勒别墅昔日荣光

After a detailed building survey and many technical analysis I was able to bring back the building into a good structural condition and create and interior design style that is able to reflect the turbulent past of the villa into the present usage of a place for people to enjoy and feel part of the villa glorious time.

I restored all the wooden decoration of walls and doors with several treatments to bring back the original color.

In the bathroom areas I restored the ceramic mosaic and in the upper floor and I also preserved the original ceramic tiles floor near the window.

 Taranta(塔然塔)经典之作  重现上海洛克菲勒别墅昔日荣光

I chose a kind of wooden window frames that better reminds of the original ones and add a series of accessories and furniture related to the famous shanghai 1910s time.

For the outside elevation I used stone paint in beige color and for the roof we were able to reuse the original roof tiling.
在外立面上,我运用了米黄色的砖式涂料;屋顶上也重新利用了 当年的屋顶瓦。

I feel very lucky to have been the designer of such a unique building.

Finally the villa is back to its gorgeous time and people can now visit it and feel part of the history.


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标签:Taranta    塔然塔    经典    上海洛克菲勒别墅    洛克菲勒家族    高端会所    奢华    洛克菲勒别墅    Rockefeller Villa    
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